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"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."

It is always a cause-effect relationship.

Independent authority




resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003



The SRGS is the Spanish Association for the prevention of falls in pedestrian traffic. The same as the UKSRG (UK Slip Resistance Group) counterpart, it is the leading independent authority for slip resistance. Our common goals include a greater understanding of causes and solutions to falls from slips, trips and falls.

In Spain, nearly 1,000,000 older people are injured outside their homes, and 1,500,000 accidents occurr. This means an accident rate of 12.8% of the population over 65 years.

Our ObSRGS / SRGS Observatory is formed by national and international collaborators, of a multidisciplinary nature, directed with the aim of working in the study, analysis, research, training and information of each of the parameters or agents involved in falls. by slippage, slippage or slip in spaces for public use.

resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

"Slips, trips & Falls " 

Conference Madrid 2020

organizado por

SLIPS,TRIPS & FALLS Conferencia internacional Madrid 2020
Artículos recientes
Dra. Raquel García Campillo

Vocal Sub-Comité  CTN 41 /SC 11 deslizamiento

Doctor Arquitecto

Miembro ASEPAU (Asociación de Profesionales de la Accesibilidad)

resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

Vocal en el grupo accesibilidad COAM (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid).

Secretaría General.  SRGS. Slip Resistance Group Spain. 

 “Slipperiness significantly compromises
the health and safety of users”

From the Observatory of the SRGS not only contact related experts (from architects, engineers, public and private managers, manufacturers, laboratories, builders, maintenance and conservation companies ...) but we have created a joint space, for all those who feel responsible for the materials we use and install in our projects, with the aim of preserving the health and safety of all users.

In short, the Observatory of the SRGS aims, with the participation of a network of national and international experts, to become a laboratory of ideas on the prevention of falls in pedestrian traffic, with the aim of developing proposals for improving accessibility , from the conviction that it is necessary to propose some reforms to put it in value as an instrument for a better development of public policies


These are some of the questions that we try to clarify from our page.

Clicking on the question links to the section of our website.

Slips & Falls
Accessibility and slipperiness
ObSRGS/Observatory de la SRGS
SRGS Asociación
resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003
© Copyright SRGS

Prohibida la copia, reproducción o uso de los textos e imágenes de esta web sin permiso de la SRGS.

 Slip Resistance Group Spain

Asociación española para la prevención de caídas en el tránsito peatonal.

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