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"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."

It is always a cause-effect relationship.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

STOP slips & falls.

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 Safe and comfortable environments for the user.
We must look for requirements that make an environment safe. We point to the pavement, as the element of union between the individual and the environment in which he develops his activity, and wanting to demonstrate that the methods used to classify a pavement as safe and non-slip are not sufficient. It is necessary to take into account the individual and especially the people with reduced mobility and that use products of support to be able to walk and to participate in the daily activities.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

The pavement must be adequate to the space in which it is installed for the intended conditions of use, attending to criteria of comfort and safety of the user according to environments, environments, uses. Know the place, the individual and the intended use, defining the fundamental characteristics that must be kept unchanged for a reasonable period of time.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

The increase in life expectancy leads to an increase in the population of the population and, consequently, to an increase in population that may fall due to stumbling or slipping. The percentage of the population over 65, which currently stands at 18.2%, would increase to 24.9% in 2029 and 38.7% in 2064. The largest population group at present is 35 to 39 years. In 2029 it would be from 50 to 54 years and in 2064 from 85 to 89 years.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

To these percentages we would have to add the population with problems of mobility, with physical disability, people with reduced mobility, or who use support products, crutches or canes, being the group more affected and prone to slips or tripping. If we only consider these population groups, we are in a percentage above 50%. But if a pavement is not safe, the percentage of population could be expanded to 100%.

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