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"Falls are not an ordinary risk of life."

It is always a cause-effect relationship.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003

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The concept of "universal accessibility", understood as the condition that environments, products and services must meet, is thus introduced into Spanish law so that they are understandable, usable and practicable by all people.

Order VIV / 2010, of February 1, which develops the technical document of basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for access and use of urbanized public spaces.

Order VIV / 2010, of February 1, which develops the technical document of basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for access and use of urbanized public spaces.

This conception is based on the criteria of design for all and personal autonomy, and incorporates a perspective of disability and the functional conditions of the population much more plural. On the one hand, people can not be grouped into closed categories of ability or disability but must be seen as subject to changes in their functional conditions for often circumstantial reasons such as age, health status or consequences temporary accidents or injuries. On the other hand, people with major functional limitations or disabilities have to play a more active role in society and aspire to a model of "independent living" based on receiving the necessary personal supports and modifying the environment to make it more accessible.

Based on this new context and in compliance with the final provision ninth of the LIONDAU, Royal Decree 505/2007 of 20 April was published, which approved the basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities for the access and use of urbanized public spaces and buildings. With this Royal Decree, these conditions are regulated for the first time in a state-wide rule, since until now only the Autonomous Communities, in accordance with their competences, had developed a specific accessibility regulation concerning the design of urban environments.

The application of these basic conditions will be carried out firstly in the areas of new urbanization, which facilitates the introduction of the new criteria based on the spirit and the letter of the Royal Decree. These changes, which point to a new concept of public space, more open to diversity and with a higher quality of use, should also apply to any public space previously urbanized and susceptible of reasonable adjustments, as of January 1, 2019 In this sense, it is essential to have recourse to the definition of "reasonable accommodation" contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, according to which "it shall be understood as the necessary and adequate impose a disproportionate or undue burden, when required in a particular case to guarantee to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise of equal status with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms ". In the aforementioned period, and with the introduction of the new requirements present in this document, important aspects of the design, execution and management of urbanized public spaces must have changed, so that their generalization to existing spaces is simpler. In addition, the Autonomous Communities that review their regulations and laws in this period will have the opportunity to do so in accordance with minimum conditions of wider application.

SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003




SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003


SRGS, resbaladicidad, prevención, caídas, UNE 41901, UNE 41902, UNE-ENV 12633:2003


In relation to urban spaces already existing at the entry into force of this Order, the contents of the Technical Document will be applicable as of January 1, 2019, in those that are susceptible of reasonable adjustments, through modifications and adaptations which are necessary and appropriate and do not impose a disproportionate or undue burden.
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